Using Text Boxes

In Microsoft Word, you can change the font style, size, color, and effects of your text. However, a text box expands your formatting options by giving you more control over your text. You can use a text box to create a sidebar, rotate text, create call-out quotes, and bring attention to your text with various shape formats. The biggest advantage of a text box is that you can move and align it anywhere in your document.

To insert and customize a text box, go to Insert, then Text Box to access the Text Box Built-in Menu. Here, you can choose to insert a built-in text box or draw a text box. Select Draw a Text Box, and click inside the Text Box to enter your desired text. You will notice the Shape Format menu appears in blue on the menu bar, as shown in the picture below. This is the section where you can modify the appearance of  your text and text box.

To move a text box, click inside the box and move your cursor to the border of the box. When the cursor changes to a four-headed arrow, drag it to your desired location.

To remove a text box, click on the Text Box, and press DELETE.

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