Modify AutoCorrect Options

Word automatically capitalizes the first letter of every sentence if “Capitalize first letter of sentences” is selected in the AutoCorrect options dialog box (File, Options, Proofing, AutoCorrect). This is a very helpful feature, except when a line should begin with lowercase letters, such as with a typist’s reference initials.

To work around this AutoCorrect option, you can use a couple of different keyboard shortcuts.

  • Immediately after you have typed the reference initials and pressed ENTER, press CTRL + Z. This will undo the “capitalization of the first letter of a new line.”
  • Another option is to use the Change Case keyboard shortcut, SHIFT + F3. While holding down the SHIFT key, press F3 until your letters appear in lowercase.  Each time you press SHIFT + F3, this will cycle through the Change Case options, starting with ALL CAPS, lowercase, then Title Case.

If you type a lot of letters, you may want to add your reference initials to “Replace as you type” in the AutoCorrect dialog box, as shown below.


  • Go to File, Options, Proofing, then AutoCorrect. This will open the AutoCorrect dialog box.
  • Select “Replace text as you type” if it is not already checked.
  • Add the text you want to replace (Bv) in the “Replace” box. For example, when you type the reference initials bv, Word will AutoCorrect the reference initials to Bv.
  • In the “With” box, add bv to display the reference initials as they should appear.
  • Now, when you type Bv (reference initials), Word will not capitalize the first letter, and it will display as “bv”.

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